( Oil on Canvas, 28 in x 22 in )
The Royal Collection, Buckingham Palace, London
Prince Andrew The Duke of York
Portrait of HRH Prince Andrew The Duke of York, unveiled
Portrait of HRH Prince Andrew The Duke of York, by Igor Babailov -  Associated Press / AP
Portrait of HRH Prince Andrew The Duke of York, by Igor Babailov -  officially unveiled
Portrait of HRH Prince Andrew The Duke of York and  Igor Babailov - portrait
Photo credit:  AP/  The Associated Press
Igor Babailov, Prince Andrew and Prince Ivan Obolensky
Photo credit:  Annie Watt / Social and Event Photography, New York City
(917) 968-1210 Annie@AnnieWatt.com
www.AnnieWatt.com     www.Society-Photos.com

Copyright  ©  Igor V. Babailov
All images on this website are the intellectual property of
 Igor V. Babailov and may not be reproduced in any form without the artist's written permission 

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Prince Andrew, The Duke of York
The portrait was officially unveiled by the SSMAC Club of New York
by Igor Babailov, Hon. RAA
Igor Babailov on Facebook
Portrait of HRH Prince Andrew The Duke of York, by Igor Babailov - officially unveiled by SSMAC Club of New York  Портрет Его Королевского Высочества Герцога Йоркского, Принца Эндрю, Художник Игорь Валерьевич Бабайлов
Portrait of HRH Prince Andrew The Duke of York - Military Ball
Portrait of HRH Prince Andrew The Duke of York, by Igor Babailov - portrait, 2013